Online applications are invited for from Indian Nationals in the prescribed format for recruitment of faculty in various Departments of the Institute against the advertisementNo. Admin. 03/2022.
National Institute of Technology, Warangal, formerly known as Regional Engineering College, was established in 1959.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation stone for this institute on October 10, 1959, the first in the chain of 31 NITs (formerly known as RECs) in the country.
Alumni of the institute are spaced both length and breadth wise across the world and occupied noble positions in the industry as well as academia.
The Institute is well known for its dedicated faculty, staff and the state-of-the art infrastructure conducive to a healthy academic environment. The Institute is constantly striving to achieve higher levels of technical excellence. Faculty of the institute are actively participating the development activities of the country in particular and the academic community all over the world in general.
The Institute is looking for motivated and dynamic persons with passion for “Teaching and Research” and zeal to “excel in professional career”, for filling up faculty positions in the various departments at different levels.
Faculty Recruitment NIT
The Essential Minimum Academic Qualification for Posts of Professor / Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor is Ph.D. in respective discipline and shall have First Class (at least 6.5 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent or 60% aggregate) in the preceding Degrees. Candidates having Ph.D. degree directly after B.Tech. are also eligible and they should have obtained First Class at Bachelor’s level.
Candidates are requested to go through the details of posts and instructions available on the website carefully before applying. Date of opening of online applications is 27.12.2022 and last date of submission of online applications is 25.01.2023.
Candidates have to apply online duly uploading all certificates/self-attested documents with Photograph and scanned signature.
Separate online application must be submitted for each post/grade along with prescribed fee.
Upper age limit for candidates applying for Assistant Professor Grade II with Pay level 10 &11 is 35 years, Assistant Professor Gr. I is 40years, Associate Professor is 45 years and Professor is 50 years. Age relaxation will be applicable as under, subject to the condition that including the age relaxation, the age of the applicant is not more than 60 years.
a) SC/ST – 5 years, b) OBC- 3 years c) PWD-10 years and d) Government servants- 5 years as per the Govt. of India orders.
Selection will be done in two phases. In the first phase the shortlisted candidates are required to appear for a written test and/or presentation on teaching and research in the area of their specialization. The presentation is open to faculty and research scholars of the Department. The second phase involves interview by the Selection Board. The merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained in the written test and/or presentation and interview, as per the weightage decided by the Selection Committee.
To avoid in-breeding, candidates who have obtained the Ph.D. from NIT, Warangal will not be considered for recruitment, unless there is a three years gap between leaving the Institute after obtaining Ph.D. and expected date of joining in the Institute. However, this is not applicable to candidates who are already members of the faculty regular or on contract of NIT Warangal and have obtained Ph.D. from the Institute.
In special cases, where the concerned department (at the time of shortlisting) or the Selection Committee feels that an exception needs to be made (for reasons such as severe shortage of faculty in a given academic field or exceptionally brilliant candidate or any other), the reasons for such exceptions are to be recorded in writing and put up to the Board of Governors for approval. The Board, If convinced, may confirm the selection. Such appointment will not serve as precedence.